Coffee and Junk Food Pairing:
The fine art of food pairing draws on all the sense, challenging the gourmands smell, taste, and even touch. But, mostly it rests in the deep recesses of memory, triggering nostalgia and drawing from a library of mental images. Join our taste adventure in this short article
To Freeze or Not to Freeze? The Coffee Freshness Question Answered!
Do you swear by freezing coffee? Or do you scoff at the idea of putting your beans in cold storage? Perhaps you’ve never done it before and are just wondering what all the fuss is about. We have the answers for you!
Warming Chai Recipes for the Winter Months 🥶 4 of the Best!
There’s no avoiding it, however much you’d like to. The dark days of winter are upon us. Once the sun goes down and the night creeps in, we need to do everything we can to stay snug and cosy. Which usually means wrapping yourself up in your duvet with a nice warm drink. Well, we don’t know much about duvets but when it comes to delicious hot beverages we’ve got plenty to say!
Make a Brew the Manly Way! A Guide to Cowboy Tea and Coffee 🤠
Coming up with ways to make coffee and tea with next to nothing isn’t so hard. Cowboys in the Wild West managed to do it, with a pot, water, and a fire. And something to brew up of course.
Know Your Tea! Black, Green, White, Yellow… What’s The Difference?
What do you really know about tea? If you’ve ended up here then chances are your tea knowledge is lacking somewhat, and you want to find out more about that lovely brew you enjoy sipping every day. What type of tea is it? Is it even tea at all? Rest assured, after reading this you’ll know your tea!
Brewing Up in the Great Outdoors – Portable Coffee Press Gear for When You’re On-The-Go
Just because you’re heading out into the middle of nowhere doesn’t mean you should forsake your favourite coffee carefully brewed to perfection. Oh no, that just wouldn’t do, so we’ve tested out all sorts of portable coffee press equipment to discover what works and what doesn’t.
We Have Got Enough Milks Now. Would Everyone Stop Milking Sh!t – Part 1
I have no doubt that lactose intolerance is a grave issue faced by thousands of you coffee lovers daily, but looking at the boom of alternative milk production over the past couple of years, I can say that your issue can officially take a backseat.
Coffee Date? No Wait, Date Coffee! ☕️
After a good date season, have you ever had tons and tons of date seeds sitting in the kitchen waiting to be thrown away? Neither have we, but this recipe will definitely peak your interest if you’re in the market for a caffeine-free alternative to kickstart your weekday morning.
A Guide to Purim Festivities
It’s no secret that during Purim festivities, we place a little more emphasis on l’chaims and party vibes than anything else! Here’s why…
Three Delectable Purim Cocktails for Celebrating in Style
How do you celebrate the mitzvah of drinking? With some Purim cocktails of course! We’ve crafted three delicious concoctions that pay homage to the characters of this special Jewish festival.
Give Your Beans a 2nd Life! How to Reuse Coffee Grounds
We all know brewing coffee from freshly ground beans is, without a doubt, the best way to prepare a cup of your favourite blend. But what about all those coffee grounds used up in the process, surely they deserve a better send-off than just being flung in the bin?
So Good They Banned It – Times When a Cup of Coffee was Criminal
Travel back across the antiquities of time and you’ll see just how dangerous brewing up a regular ol’ cuppa joe morning coffee used to be.
How to write indignant cafe reviews online.
Ever wondered how you could become the next Stephen King? How about why the girls seem to always avoid you at parties? We cannot help you with that, but we can teach you how to write food reviews that drive coffee shop owners scampering back into the safe space of corporate servitude.
What is Chai Tea, and Why That Makes No Sense…
Masala chai is steeped in a rich tradition and has an even richer flavour. In this post we wax lyrical about this favourite, and try add some insight to what it is, and why you should explore chai.
The poor man’s cappuccino – home brewing on a budget hack.
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