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Warming Chai Recipes for the Winter Months 🥶 4 of the Best!

There’s no avoiding it, however much you’d like to. The dark days of winter are upon us 🥶  Once the sun goes down and the night creeps in, we need to do everything we can to stay snug and cosy. Which usually means wrapping yourself up in your duvet with a nice warm drink. Well, we don’t know much about duvets but when it comes to delicious hot beverages we’ve got plenty to say!

chai concentrate recipes

To help you get thorough the short days and cold nights, we’ve compiled a handpicked selection of our favourite warming drinks that you can make in a jiffy with our Artisanal Chai Concentrate. Just add a little bit of your time and a few extra ingredients for these tasty brews that’ll make you feel toasty inside and out.

So without further ado, check out all our warming chai recipes for the winter months below to see which one you’re going to try first!

(The ingredient amounts are for one, so if you’re making for guests just multiple by the number of people!)

Mexicali Hot Choccy

Warming Chai Recipes for the Winter Months

For a new take on the classic hot chocolate try this nifty little recipe for a chai-infused winter favourite that the kids will love too!

1. Grab your favourite mug
2. Drop in 3 large chunks of high-quality dark chocolate
3. Steam around 250ml of milk
4. Pour a little over the chocolate to melt it
5. Stir the milk and chocolate together
6. Add roughly 30ml of Doubleshot Chai Concentrate to the mix
7. Stir while topping up the mug with the rest of the steamed milk
9. Grate some dark chocolate over the top and serve!

Dirty Chai Latte

We love this one, because you get to mix our Chai Concentrate with your choice of Doubleshot Coffee, and they all go together so so well 🙂

1. Make an expresso with your favourite Doubleshot coffee
2. Pour it into a large mug
3. Add in a 30ml shot of Doubleshot Chai Concentrate
4. Heat up roughly 250ml of milk then add it to the mug
5. Mix throughly with a teaspoon of honey if you like it sweet!
6. Add some steamed milk to the top
7. Sprinkle on a little cinnamon powder and you’re all set :)

Cheeky Chai Eggnog

Warming Chai Recipes for the Winter Months

Why’s it cheeky? Well, you get to measure how much rum you decide to add, whether just one shot or maybe a triple! A nice brandy or bourbon works great too 😉

1. Crack open an egg and separate the white from the yolk
2. Beat the egg white in a mixing bowl until it’s fluffy
3. Heat up around 120ml of milk in a saucepan
4. Slowly pour the warm milk over the beaten egg white, stirring all the time
5. Put the mixed egg white and milk back into the saucepan
6. Heat until the mixture begins to thicken (do not allow to boil)
7. Take the saucepan off the hob
8. Add in 100ml of creamy custard and 60ml of Doubleshot Chai Concentrate 
9. Mix together with a shot or three of your chosen liquor
10. Pour into a mug and add a dusting of ground nutmeg to serve!

Chai Hot Toddy

If thick and creamy isn’t your thing that this hot and strong brew is sure to delight. You’ll be feeling toasty after a glass, we guarantee it!

1. Take a small saucepan, add 200ml of water, and bring it to the boil
2. Add some thin slices of fresh ginger, a cinnamon stick, and half a teaspoon of ground cardamon
3. After a few minutes bring the heat down and stir in 100ml of milk
4. Then add 60ml of Doubleshot Chai Concentrate and a tablespoon of honey
5. Stir on a light heat for a few minutes
6. Take off the heat and strain the mixture into a mug to remove the ginger and cinnamon
7. Pour in a shot of dark rum to finish, sip and enjoy!

So that’s it for our round up of warming chai recipes for the winter months, we hope you try them all and have as much fun drinking them as we did! And if you have come up with a crazy Chai concentrate concoction then we’d love to hear about it. Add it to the comments section below and we’ll give it a try 😄

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