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Coffee Date? No Wait, Date Coffee! ☕️

After a good date season, have you ever had tons and tons of date seeds sitting in the kitchen waiting to be thrown away? Neither have we, but this recipe will definitely peak your interest if you’re in the market for a caffeine-free alternative to kickstart your weekday morning.

As of 2004, 6.9 million tons of dates were processed, with a whopping 863,000 tons of date seeds produced. So the obvious question is what do we do with all this waste? Currently these byproducts are mostly used in animal feed with their potential for human health benefits lost and forgotten.

Did you know that within that syrupy sweet date flesh that we crave, hides a small jewel that has the potential to lower blood sugar levels, prevent heart disease and blood clots, encourage good gut bacteria growth, and prevent certain types of cancers? All while increasing your intelligence more and more with every sip.

So, enough about all the good stuff that comes with this new concoction, let’s get down to the nitty gritty and make a cup of date coffee for yourself!

The Date Coffee Manual:

1. Eat LOTS of dates! The collecting of date seeds can be a pain, but trust us, by the end of this experiment you’ll be forever in our debt. Between 8-10 seeds should be enough for a solid cup, so we suggest you get chewing right away!

2. Following that, a good soak in a nice hot bath overnight should get rid of all that sticky fruit surrounding the seeds. Be sure to get all that nasty stuff off with some water and a paper towel or it could ruin the roast

3. Now that your seeds are all swelled up and clean, you’ll need to leave them out to dry, just like what happened on your last date 😉

4. Here comes the fun part! If you’re fancy like us and have your own coffee roasting machine then congrats! You’ve won yourself a whole pat on the back. If not, don't stress. The process is basically the same, just be sure to give your seeds a good shake every couple of minutes when in the oven at about 170℃. A roasting time of around 30 minutes should be good but trust your gut on this one

5. Once again, you can give yourself another slap on the back if you have your own coffee grinder at home. This can work just as well if you use a food processor or even a pestle and mortar if you’re willing to put in the extra elbow grease (Not sure how that will affect the flavour, but anyway…)

6. And now, ladies and gentleman, the moment you have been waiting for, for all 2 minutes of reading time, we have finally reached the brewing stage! Whether you like your morning brew made via a drip filter, french press or Aeropress this interesting creation finds itself somewhere in the arena of tea with natural sweetness and even hints of coffee and mocha all in one cup.

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s summarise:

  • Collect date seeds
  • Treat like normal coffee
  • Drink and enjoy

Remember to add some funk in with some cinnamon, ginger or even our artisanal chai concentrate to pump you up for another exhilarating day of trying to find something else to replace that buzz provided by your loving companion – your morning cuppa coffee.

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A Guide to Purim Festivities

Like many Jewish festivals, which are regularly distinguished by some prayer, a ton of food and a few l’chaims along the way, Purim is no different except for the fact that we place a little more emphasis on l’chaims and party vibes more than anything else. So for this year’s Purim festivities, we thought what better way to help you get into that purim spirit than creating some specialty cocktails for you to enjoy while trying to decipher between ‘arur Haman’ and ‘baruch Mordechai.’

If you’re not too familiar with the story, here’s a brief rundown on what happened all those years ago…

Needless to say, the Empire of Persia in the times of King Achashverosh was quite the raunchy place. After a hard pass by Queen Vashti to appear before the King in her birthday suit, the rather unhinged Achashverosh sets his lawyers on her tail and is now on the hunt for a new bride to replace Queen Vashti. (Try out our Iced Vash-Tea to get the same Achash, OY -VEY, my – rosh that she probably ENDURED whilst dealing with that guy)

After quite a while of searching and flaunting his crown jewels around the whole of Persia he catches feelings for a lovely young woman named Esther. Did we mention she’s Jewish. Anyways, Esther was the perfect wife material. Not only could she cook a killer kugel, but she was also raised by none other than the righteous Mordechai.

Seems like quite a nice story till now, right? WRONG! Not all is well in the kingdom – treachery is afoot. After some eavesdropping and tattle tailing by Mordechai, the King is saved from the clutches of death and Mordechai gains some brownie points with the King of Persia.

In other news, the vain and egocentric grand vizier Haman – who for some reason thought it was an acceptable fashion statement to wear a three-cornered hat – is sulking in his bedroom because Mordechai wouldn’t bow down to him, being the wise and courageous Mordechai we know and love.

Now, what better way to get rid of that one guy who wouldn’t bow down to Haman while roaming the streets of Persia? Well, we could come up with a few ways, but turns out in Haman’s mind a large genocide of all the Jews, of which Mordechai is a part, is sufficient in his eyes. And so, on a roll of the dice Haman decides that since his day planner is relatively free, the 14th of Adar will be the day he will get his revenge…

After a relatively short conversation consisting of:
Haman: “Can we kill all the Jews on the 14th of Adar please?”
Achashverosh: “OK”
Haman: “Yippee!”
And so it was sealed with some fancy ring only held by the King of Persia that this will be the day the genocide of the Jews will take place. Dun Dun Duuuuun!

As you may recall, Esther is Jewish but the King doesn’t know (turns out not all marriages are built on trust). As you can imagine, Esther is pretty anxious about this and decides this may be a good time to do a quick diet before all her people are killed and so doesn’t eat for three days straight. Following her fast, she visits the King unannounced and invites the King and Haman to a banquet – us Jews really do love our food. Meanwhile, Haman is getting quite enthusiastic for the massacre coming up and even builds some homemade gallows for his nemesis Mordechai.

Remembering the man who saved his life, Achashverosh commands Haman to parade Mordechai through the streets to honour him, which Haman very reluctantly agrees to. Seems like the perfect time to enjoy a MordeCHAI while being paraded through the streets, don’t you think?

At the end of the second feast Esther reveals her secret – she’s Jewish! And with that all of Haman’s dreams and fantasies go up in smoke. The King grants permission for the Jews to defend themselves against Haman’s evil men. Even Haman is hanged on the same homemade gallows especially designed for Mordechai. (Speaking of hanging Haman, shoot on over to our brew guides to see how you can receive a slightly less harsh punishment in the form of ‘Haman’s Hangover’ to enjoy during your Purim festivities). Jews seemed to have been much more athletic than Jews in our times because they managed to defend themselves and massacre all of Hamans supporters. Pretty impressive if you ask us.

This story does end happily ever after with Mordechai becoming the new honourable member in the King’s council as well as the survival of Jews in the Kingdom of Persia for a further couple hundred years. Additional benefits include hamantaschen with flavours ranging from the classic poppyseed and cheese to the exotic chocolate peanut butter and wild blueberry.

The absolute star of the show emerging from this festival has to be the Purim parties celebrated around the world and the new Purim Cocktails like our Iced Vash-Tea, MordeCHAI and Haman’s Hangover that will be sure to put you in the festive mood.

P.S. We have the perfect solution to your throbbing head and aching body after a long night out of Purim festivities. Just pour yourself a cup of our range of coffee blends and that should sort you out and have you firing on all cylinders for a productive day.

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Three Delectable Purim Cocktails for Celebrating in Style

How do you celebrate the mitzvah of drinking? With some Purim cocktails of course! We’ve crafted three delicious concoctions that pay homage to the characters of this special Jewish festival. After all, the 4th century rabbi Rava said it best when he exclaimed, “One must drink on Purim until that person cannot distinguish between cursing Haman and blessing Mordechai.” And who are we to argue with that!

Purim Cocktail Recipes


Purim Cocktail

For those of you who think that Queen Vashti was an icy b!tch like us, this drink is definitely the one for you. Filled with sweetness and leaving behind a frosty bite from our Mint & Lime Iced Tea, it’s paired with a generous amount of vodka to ensure this Purim will be one to write down in your own Megillah one day.

1. Pour 150ml of Mint & Lime Iced Tea into one of your fancy tall glasses

2. Add 60ml of vodka for a slight kick

3. For some sweetness add 15ml simple syrup

4. Top off with soda water and a squeeze of lemon juice

5. Garnish with a lemon slice & mint leaves. Dress to impress doesn't only apply to your Purim getup but your drinks as well!

6. Stir with ice and enjoy!


Purim Cocktail

This one is for the wise. Not only will you look very dapper sipping on this bad boy while sitting in your comfy leather chair in a robe and slippers, but your bravery shines through as well, with a double shot of gin to get the night rolling.

1. For this you’ll need 60ml of your favourite gin

2. 15ml of our chai concentrate

3. Shake and strain over ice

4. Garnish with a cinnamon stick & a slice of orange


Purim Cocktail

A mix that’s sure to get your rashanim (noisemakers) going. Not only does it have the Doubleshot coffee you’ve been craving but a generous dose of vodka is in there too, an added bonus to help celebrate your Purim party!

1. Add 60ml of freshly brewed coffee

2. Mix in 60ml of vodka, don’t be shy!

3. 20ml of our rich cacao SYRP

4. Shake like you’ve just heard Haman’s name

5. Strain into a martini glass

6. Garnish with coffee beans and a sprig of mint

And that’s it, you’re all set to mix up these Purim cocktail recipes, but if you have any of your own go ahead and school us. Add them to the comments below so we can try them out!

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Give Your Beans a 2nd Life! How to Reuse Coffee Grounds

We all know brewing coffee from freshly ground beans is, without a doubt, the best way to prepare a cup of your favourite blend. But what about all those coffee grounds used up in the process, surely they deserve a better send-off than just being flung in the bin?

There is life after brew for your coffee, and here at Doubleshot we’ve tested all the weird and wonderful ways you can reuse coffee grounds. Keep reading to discover some of them!

Say Goodbye to Puffy Eyes!

We all know coffee is great for a little pick-me-up, but are you aware of just how powerful it can be when you apply it directly to your face? No, you don’t need to splash an espresso on your cheeks, just make a paste with your City Blend coffee leftovers while they are still warm and wet. As you sip that cuppa to get your brain in gear, you can spark up your appearance with a little coffee ground paste applied under your eyes.

Perfect for when you had a few too many the night before or if after a bad night’s sleep leaves you with dark circles around your peepers. You can also add other everyday ingredients like pepper and coconut oil to your coffee ground paste for an even more effective formula!

For a Softer and Tastier Steak!

Would you believe that used coffee grounds work brilliantly as a meat tenderiser! It’s true, so fire up the barbecue and great ready to rub that meat with your spent beans. Not only will it make a choice cut of steak more succulent thanks to the sealed crust it creates, but the acidity of coffee also does a great job of enhancing the flavour of the meat.

Your Fruit and Veggies Love Coffee Too!

Consider yourself a bit of a green thumb? Well those coffee grounds could send your herbs and mushrooms to the next level because they are packed full of nutrients that plants simply can’t get enough of.

And not only is used coffee a perfect fertiliser for fruits, vegetables, and fungi, but it’s also a natural insect repellant! That’s right, you can reuse coffee grounds to feed your garden and protect it from pests.

Clean Out the Fireplace the Easy Way!

If you have a fireplace you’ll know just how much of a pain it is to clean out the old ashes. Not anymore, with this awesome used coffee ground hack! Just scatter the grounds over the ash before you start sweeping it out.

Hey presto! The grounds weigh down the ash so it doesn’t lift up into the air in the form of dust clouds and travel around your living room. This makes removing all the ash much easier, quicker, and far less messy.

Don’t Ya Love the Smell of Coffee in the Morning All the Time!

Did you know that coffee is a fantastic deodoriser? Not only does it have a delightful aroma when you brew it, but those old coffee grounds will even absorb less pleasant odours afterwards. Just wait for the grounds to dry first, then start putting them in places that are a bit whiffy.

Take an old stocking or sock and drop a few handfuls of grounds in, then tie it up and hang it somewhere that needs freshening up, like a smelly shoe cupboard or under the kitchen sink. And talking of kitchens…

Natural Scrub for Your Hands and Pans!

Rub some coffee grounds between your hands and you’ll notice it feels a little bit like sand. Combine this exfoliating action with its deodorising capabilities and you have an earth-friendly way to get the smell of garlic, onions, and fish off of your mitts.

You can apply the same method to your cooking pots and pans that have food stuck to them. Just rub some coffee grounds in and it’ll help to break up anything that’s been burnt on and restore that shine.

Anything We’ve Missed? Tell Us How You Reuse Coffee Grounds!

That’s a pretty exhaustive list right there, but we know there are more! We want to hear about all the ways you put your used coffee grounds to work, so go ahead and add it in the comments below. And for those of you still chucking your soggy grounds in the bin, now’s the time to stop!